University 1950 years

University 1950 years

Университет 1950 годы

The question of the need to open a higher educational institution in Guryev (now Atyrau) arose on the eve of the Great Patriotic War because there was an acute shortage of teachers in the region. There was only one teacher training school in the city that trained primary school teachers. In 1939, the Council of people's Commissars of the Kazakh SSR adopted a resolution on opening in Guryev biennial Institute with an intake of 120 students in the first-course profiles approved by People's commissariat for education of the Kazakh SSR.

Based on this decision, the Executive Committee of Guryev regional Council of people's deputies of its decision (Protocol No. 13 dated May 27, 1940) "About the opening of teachers' Institute" ordered the Cities Executive Committee to convey to the Institute the building of Guryev teacher training College and find a dormitory for 120 people. At the same time, a petition was submitted to the Council of people's Commissars of the Kazakh SSR for the construction of an educational building and a dormitory for 500 people in 1941.

The above-mentioned decree obliged the regional Department of public education to conduct preparatory and organizational work for the opening of a new University in September 1941.

In the first post-war years in the Guryev region, there was a special shortage of schoolteachers. After all, in the West of Kazakhstan since 1932, only the Ural state pedagogical Institute named after A. S. Pushkin operated, which was unable to provide teachers for schools in three Western regions of the country West Kazakhstan, Aktobe and Guryev. Therefore, on June 14, 1950, the Executive Committee of the Guryev regional Council of workers' deputies, based on the resolution Of the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the Kazakh SSR, decided, "to open a teacher's Institute in Guryev" (no. 3-333-16).

In August 1950, the Guryev teachers ' Institute was established with three departments: physics and mathematics, Philology and natural geography. The University has opened five departments: Marxism-Leninism, pedagogy, physics and mathematics, Russian language and literature, geography and natural science.

The Ministry of education of the Kazakh SSR has begun to form the leadership and teaching staff of the Institute. Here is what the first Director of the Guryev teachers' and then - pedagogical Institute, doctor of historical Sciences, Professor Kuspan Yespendovich Temirgaliyev wrote in his memoirs: "In the summer of 1950, I, a graduate Of the Kazakh State University named after S. M. Kirov, was invited by the Minister of education of the Republic A. S. Sembayev". In a conversation with me, he said: "The Ministry has decided to send you as the Director of the Institute in Guryev. You are a military man; you have been trained in military and political work. We are sure that you will be able to complete the responsible task. Three days to get ready. On the first of August, we must leave for Guryev". During the Minister's interview, I mentally prepared arguments to justify my rejection of the proposed appointment. Before I could open my mouth, the Minister handed me an order. Having crossed the threshold of the Minister's office as a graduate student, I came out as the Director of the Institute".

After appointing the Director of the Institute, the Ministry of education of the Kazakh SSR sent a group of graduates of The Kirov Kazakh State University who specialized in various fields to Guryev for the purpose of staffing the educational process: some of them were appointed heads of departments and departments, others - teachers. This group of experts were linguists Kadyrova and G. Bakharev N. E., historians Bayandiyev D. B. A. and Polskaya A., biologists Povarenski I. F., Kiseleva A. Ya., Votyakova I. P., I. G. Cheidukov physicist, mathematician Yakovleva, teacher Gayazova R. G, a psychologist Kuftyreva V. I. In Guryev, the teachers also included the philologist Azovskaya L. I., the geographer Tocheniy P. P., the physicists Akhmedzhanov Kh. A., Dzhumashev M. D., and others.

The building of the former V. I. Lenin school (where the music and pedagogical faculty of the University is now located) and two barracks for a student dormitory on Abay square were allocated as the academic building of the University.

The student intake was 150 people - 50 for each of the three departments with training in Russian and Kazakh. The first graduation took place in 1952, and the last in 1956. Over six years of operation, the teachers' Institute has produced 645 teachers to work in the fifth grades of secondary schools. Over the years, the teachers' Institute has strengthened its educational and material base, and the teaching corpus has been replenished with new specialists. Thus, the Foundation was created for the opening of a pedagogical Institute that would train teachers for the senior classes of secondary schools. Teachers were also needed-specialists of such profiles, which were not prepared by the teachers' Institute.

Meanwhile, the need of schools for teachers of all specialties was increasing. Therefore, by the Decision of the Council of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR, as well as the corresponding orders of the Ministry of education of the USSR and the Kazakh SSR in 1955, Guryev teachers' Institute was reorganized into a pedagogical Institute.

The newly created pedagogical University has two faculties (philological and physical-mathematical) and five departments (Marxism-Leninism, pedagogy and psychology, physical education, Russian language and literature, physics and mathematics). The first intake was 250 students, 125 at each faculty. The first graduation took place at the faculty of Philology in 1959, and at the faculty of physics and mathematics-a year later, in 1960.

In 1956, correspondence courses were also opened at both faculties. The first graduation of part-time students took place in 1961. In 1956, the rector of the pedagogical Institute was appointed candidate of historical Sciences, associate Professor Baitykov S. B. the First Dean of the faculty of Philology was Vakharev N. E., and the physical and mathematical-Akhmedzhanov Kh. A.

The first heads of departments were Fain L. E. - Department of Marxism-Leninism, Levchenko M. M. - Department of pedagogy and psychology, Mazo A. -physical education, Zhukov V. P. - Russian language and literature, Akhmedzhanov Kh. A. - physics and mathematics. Only four of the senior staff had a degree and title: Baitykov S. B., Fain L. E., Levchenko M. M., Zhukov V. P. Subsequently, all the above-mentioned teachers became doctors or candidates of science. In 1956, the Department of physics and mathematics was divided into two separate departments: physics - head of the Department Akhmedzhanov Kh. A. and mathematics - headed by M. N. Kalamatin.

The staff of teachers was 45 people. Of these, only five had scientific degree and title: of Baitykov S. B. - Director of the Institute, Fain L. E. - head of the Department of Marxism-Leninism, later-doctor of science, Professor, who worked at the Dzhambul technological Institute, and later - at the Vinnytsia pedagogical Institute; Levchenko M. I., who retired in 1957 and lived in Orenburg; Zhukov V. P., later - doctor of science, Professor, working at the Novgorod pedagogical Institute; Fedorov A. I., later - doctor of science, Professor, who worked at the Novosibirsk Department of the USSR Academy of Sciences, and then at the Institute of linguistics in St. Petersburg.

The faculty of physics and mathematics was located in the building of the teachers' institute, and the philological faculty was given the building of school No. 6 in the city's residential district of Zhilgorodok. In 1957, this faculty was located in two buildings of the pedagogical school. In one of the buildings, there was also the administration of the University.

The fifties, when the University was headed by B. B. Bikteubayev (1957-58) and K. Zh. Zhamanbayev (1958-62), became the period of formation of the Guryev pedagogical Institute. During these years, students built a third barracks-a dormitory in addition to the existing two, located on the square named after Abay, and a student canteen. Then a two-story dormitory was built next to the physical education building on Pushkin Street. In the same years, the library funds of the Guryev pedagogical school and the Aktobe Pedagogical Institute, which was closed in 1958, were transferred to the pedagogical Institute. These book collections became the basis of the University's scientific library.

Along with the strengthening of the educational and material base, serious efforts are being made to staff the University with scientific personnel, scientific growth and professional development of working teachers, and the publication of their scientific works. For calls to the Institute came to work by such scholars as A. V. Lebedev., Bektenov Kh. B., - candidate of pedagogical Sciences, Teplov E. F., Romanova Yu. F., Seliverstov M. L., Dzhakipbekov M. D., - candidate of Philological Sciences, Michelman I. D. - candidate of technical Sciences etc.

The direction of teachers to post-graduate has begun, and the widespread of competition has become. The first of the working teachers defended their dissertations for the degree of candidate of historical Sciences K. U. Temirgaliyev, physical and mathematical Sciences - A. Kh. Naubetov. In 1959, the first of the working teachers was sent to full-time postgraduate B. Baimukhanov, later-candidate of physical and mathematical Sciences, associate Professor, who worked at Kirov KazSU and the Republican Institute for advanced training of teachers.

During these years, serious efforts were made to publish scientific works. Only in 1959-62years, the Institute published three issues of "Scientific notes": the first series - physics and mathematics, and two - historical and philological.

The authors of the articles in the "Scientific notes" were Akhmedzhanov Kh., Yu. A. Medvedev, K. Temirgaliyev, L. E. Fain., V. P. Zhukov, I. R. Yemelchenko, E. I. Boyarski S. T. Kozhabayev L. I., Beliy M. D., Dzhakipbekov, M. M. Meshanov, K. Umraliyev.

A total of 19 articles by 12 authors were published in three series of "Scientific notes". This became a serious Foundation for future scientific work. Suffice it to say that of the 12 authors, five later became doctors, and six became candidates of science.

Students of the first graduates of the Guryev pedagogical Institute (1959-60) were distributed to all regions of Kazakhstan due to the lack of teaching staff.


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