Structural unit



     The Main Development Office is a structural subdivision of NJSC Atyrau University named after Kh. Dosmukhamedova" coordinates the activities of the structural divisions of the University in developing and adjusting development and planning strategies of the University, monitoring their implementation, as well as basic coordination of the quality management system based on the process.
     The purpose of the Office is to increase competitiveness, recognition and strengthen the image of the university in the educational services market by preparing structural units to undergo national and international accreditation and participate in national and world rankings.

Main tasks of the office:

- monitor indicators of the university development strategy for timely implementation of corrective actions to ensure the required results and planning activities to improve them;

- monitoring the evaluation criteria of rating agencies in order to determine the University’s positions and timely identify changes in the criteria;

- coordination of the activities of structural divisions within the framework of the University’s participation in university rankings;

- coordination of stages of implementation of strategic directions of development of the university;

- management and implementation of the university’s strategic development plan, taking into account priority areas of activity;

- forecasting problems in the quality of services provided;

- development of proposals to improve the efficiency of the university.

The structure of the strategic development office includes the ISPACE BUSINESS INCUBATOR and the ECO-CAMPUS DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT.

Bisalieva Sharbat

Head of the Strategic Development Officet

Shotanova Raisa

Leading Specialist of the Office of Strategic Development

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