The best practices of teaching a foreign language were discussed

The best practices of teaching a foreign language were discussed

The university hosted an international scientific and practical conference of the Department of Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages on the topic "Modern model of language education in the era of digitalization", dedicated to the 30th anniversary of training in the specialty "Foreign language: two foreign languages".

The International scientific and practical conference is held in online and offline format by the teaching staff of universities of the near and far abroad, domestic and foreign scientists and postgraduates, in particular, Professor of Simon Fraser University in Canada Robert Williamson, Kalmyk State University named after B. Gorodovikov Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Zamira Badmaevna Dorzhinova, Eurasian National University named after. L. Gumilyov took part acting . associate professor of the University, graduate of the University Nurzhanova Zhainash Zhumakhmetovna and many others.

Thanking the participants and guests, the Chairman of the Board-Rector Salamat Nurmukhanovich noted that "if we know a common language as a communication tool in human communication, then for every person, foreign languages, except native, can be considered as a communication key that opens the way to interethnic, intercultural, international relations. The solution of such topical issues as the creation of a new model of language learning in a dynamically developing digital space, improving the effectiveness of language education taking into account comprehensive human factors, is a requirement of modern new Kazakhstan," the rector said. During the informative meeting, the department was familiarized with a number of works on the preparation of professionally competent, competitive specialists based on best practices and achievements in the field of history and teaching of foreign languages. Here we can note the merits of Askhat Salimovich, who made a great contribution to the development of the department in the period from 2000 to 2008. During the conference, scientific reports were heard and proposals were discussed.Also, for their contribution to the training of qualified specialists, a number of teachers of the department were awarded letters of appreciation and breastplates.

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