Scientific and technical council
In accordance with the Charter of Kh.Dosmukhamedov Atyrau State University and the Regulations on the Department of Science, the governing body of scientific, technical, scientific, organizational and research activities at the university is the Scientific and Technical Council of Kh.Dosmukhamedov Atyrau State University.
The main objectives and functions the STC of Kh.Dosmukhamedov Atyrau State University are:
- development and implementation of the strategy for the development of scientific and technical, scientific and organizational and research activities of the university;
- organization and coordination of basic, search-and-applied, scientific research in the field of natural-technical and social-humanitarian sciences;
- development of the main directions of realization at the university of the Development Strategy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, recommendations about implementation of scientific research work results of production, management and marketing of scientific developments;
- organization and coordination of the university's interaction with other research establishments and manufacturing enterprises, international foundations and organizations supporting science and education;
- the analysis of activities for the organization and coordination of the university's scientific research work of students (SRWS), the activation of forms and methods of involving students in the research process;
- organization of events on promotion and distribution of scientific achievements of the university (exhibitions, publishing);
- Implementation of coordination and control over the activities of scientific research centers (SRC);
- Analysis of the financial condition (SRW) research of the university and effective search of non-budgetary sources of financing.
Scientific-technical councilstaff:
Өтепқалиева Қансұлу Мұсақызы Ғылым және халықаралық байланыстар жөніндегі проректор ; |
Bakirbekova Aigul Makulbekovna - Director of the Department of Science, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Deputy Chairman; |
Koishygulova Lyailya Yerbolatovna Vice-Rector for Social Affairs and Youth Policy, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences; |
Uteshkalieva Aigul Madeniyetovna Head of the Department of Preschool and Primary Education, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences; |
Berdyguzhin Leskali Bazargalievich Professor of the Department "History of Kazakhstan and the World", Doctor of Historical Sciences; |
Kadasheva Zhanar Kadirbayevna Head of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies, PhD; |
Sabirova Rysty Kuandykovna Head of the Department of Economics, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor; |
Yerlan Syrymovich Kabiev Dean of the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, PhD; |
Yesenamanova Mansia Sanakovna Head of the Department of Ecology, Candidate of Technical Sciences; |
Asanova Baktygul Ungarsinovna Dean of the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Information Technology, PhD; |
Sapanov Saifulla Zhumabaevich Director of the Research Institute History, Archeology and Ethnology of the Caspian region named after H. B. Tabyldiev, Doctor of Historical Sciences; |
Abdinov Rauan Sharipbaevich Director of the Research Institute Ecology, Bio and Nanotechnology, PhD; |
Zhusupkalieva Galiya Haidarovna Director of the Research Institute Mathematics and Applied Technologies, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor; |
Bekova Guldana Tokbaevna Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists, Master of Natural Sciences. |
Расулиева Мөлдір Нығметқызы Ғылыми-техникалық кеңес хатшысы, Ғылым департаменті маманы, экономика ғылымдарының магистрі; |
Шугаева Гульшат Коныратовна «Мектепке дейінгі және бастауыш білім беру» кафедрасының қауымдастырылған профессоры м.а., педагогика ғылымдарының кандидаты; |
Бекежан Өмірбек Қадырханұлы «Журналистика» кафедрасының меңгерушісі, философия ғылымдарының докторы., қауымдастырылған профессор; |
Султангубиева Айгул Айтмухановна «Аударма ісі және шетел тілдері» кафедрасының меңгерушісі, филология ғылымдарының кандидаты; |
Шаяхметова Жанна Бекболовна «Қылмыстық құқықтық пәндер» кафедрасының қауымдастырылған профессоры, заң ғылымдарының кандидаты; |
Кенжегулов Бекет Зинешұлы «Математика және математиканы оқыту әдістемесі» кафедрасының профессоры, техника ғылымдарының докторы; |
Абыканова Бакытгуль Толыбековна педагогика ғылымдарының кандидаты, қауымдастырылған профессор, Ұлттық ғылыми кеңес мүшесі; |