
We extend a cordial invitation to participate in the upcoming International scientific-practical conference "K. Satpayev and Kazakhstani Science" dedicated to the 125th anniversary of academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh USSR Kanysh Satpayev within the framework of “Dosmukhamedov's readings”.

Dear Colleagues!
We extend a cordial invitation to participate in the upcoming International scientific-practical conference "K. Satpayev and Kazakhstani Science" dedicated to the 125th anniversary of academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh USSR Kanysh Satpayev within the framework of “Dosmukhamedov's readings”.

Dear Students!
We cordially invite you to participate in the V Annual Narxoz Student Research Conference, scheduled for March 12, 2024. This event is open to undergraduate and graduate students from all language departments.

Department of Customs, Financial and Environmental Law, Faculty of Law, Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi invites you on 24 November 2023 at 11:00 am to take part in the international scientific and practical conference «Legal problems of ensuring environmental safety in the context of the transition to sustainable development of the Republic of Kazakhstan», dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the honored worker science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Law, Professor Yerenov Abduali Yerenovich and the 90th anniversary of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.