Research Institute "History, Archeology and Ethnology of the Caspian Region named after Kh.B. Tabyldiev"

Tabyldiev Khismet Bozanovich - born on 09/08/1936)of the Atyrau region, Baksay (Mahambet) district № 18 of the village (now the village of Besikty). In 1962 he graduated from the Ordzhonikidze secondary school in Atyrau (Guriev) with a degree in History, Literature and Language of the Kazakh State Pedagogical Institute named after. Abai. He worked as a teacher at the Ordzhonikidze secondary school in the city of Atyrau (Guriev) (1962-1963), a teacher, senior lecturer, associate professor, dean of the faculty of the Guryev Pedagogical Institute (1963-1976). Vice-Rector of the Correspondence Department (1976-1991) X. The first rector-coordinator of Dosmukhamedov Atyrau State University (1991-2000), was elected a deputy of the regional maslikhat for three consecutive terms. As a deputy of the regional maslikhat, he headed the award commission. Secretary of the regional maslikhat (2000-2004), deputy chief editor of the regional newspaper "Atyrau" (2005), chairman of the regional party "Nur Otan" (2001-2004). Member of the Union of Journalists of Kazakhstan, member of the regional, city onomastic commission, holder of the order "Parasat".
Research Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnology of the Caspian Region named after Kh.B. Tabyldiev" was established in 2020.
Research institute structure:
- Research Center for Literary Heritage of Abish Kekilbaev
- Research Center "Mangilik el"
Direction of the research institute:
Director of the Research Institute - Doctor of Historical Sciences Sapanov Saipulla Zhumabaevich.
The purpose of the study is to study the history, archeology and ethnology of the Caspian region. Return to the historical arena of the cultural heritage of the Atyrau region, the names of heroes, poets, zhyrau, leaders of the national liberation struggle, as well as statesmen and politicians.
In its work, the Research Institute intends to publish a scientific series "Atyrau Lions".
Composition of the Public Council of Books of the Atyrau Lions series:
• Chairman of the Board: I. Tasmagambetov
• Board of Directors: Alimgereev, G. Anes, Zh. Aron, A. Akhmet, T. Zhanabaev, K. Zhilkyshiev, K. Zhusup, S. Idrisov, B. Izmukhamedov, M. Kulkenov, A. Mukhtar. Editorial working group: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor S.Zh. Sapanov, Ph.D., researchers: Abdulov A., Karimov A., Kashkildykov K.
Institute activities
• In the 2017-2018 academic year, the research center began production of the Atyrau Lions series. Prepared for publication 9 scientific and journalistic monographs, including: Khalel Dosmukhamedov, Murat Monkeevich, Kyzylman Shurekov, Mukamedsalyk Babazhanov, Baktygerey Kulmanov, Salyk Zimanov, Zeinolla Kabdolov, Abish Kekilbaev and Nurmukan Zhanturin.
• On October 25, 2018, within the framework of the Republican Scientific and Theoretical Conference “The Heritage of Murat Monkeuly and the Idea of the Native Land”, the Center presented the book “Murat Monkeevich”. Sapanov S.Zh., Nurzhanova A.M., Bazargaliev G.B., Dauletova A.N. - Atyrau: Atyrau University, 2018. - 280 B., photo.
The following books are currently recommended for publication:
M. Babazhanov / Comp. S.Zh. Sapanov, J.A.M. Nurzhanova, L.B. Berdygozhin, A.R. Sabirov .- Atyrau: Atyrau University, 2018. Issue 300 - p.; B. Kulmanov / Comp. J. Baqi, S.Zh. Sapanov, A.M. Nurzhanova, A.K. Ahmet. - Atyrau: Atyrau University, 2018. Issue.. 300-p., Suret; Academician Z. Kabdolov. / Comp. S.Zh. Sapanov, K. Zhusip, A.M. Nurzhanova, Zh. Abrakhmanova, A.N. Dauletova. Atyrau: Atyrau University, 2018. Issue 334 - p., Suret; Salyk Zimanov: academician, memleket zhane kogam kayratkeri / Comp. S.Zh. Sapanov, A.M. Nurzhanova, B.S. Nygymetov, A. O. Turdaliev - Atyrau: Atyrau University, 2018. Issue 334 - p., Suret; Ygylman Shorekuly / Comp. S.Zh. Sapanov, Nurzhanova, T. Zhanabaev, G. Bazargaliev, A. Dauletova - Atyrau: Atyrau University, 2018. Issue. 300 - p., suret; N. Zhantөrin / Comp. S.Zh. Sapanov, J.A.M. Nurzhanova, A.R., Ө. Bekezhan.- Atyrau: Atyrau University, 2018. Issue.. 300 - p., Suret; A. Kekіlbayuly / Comp. S.Zh. Sapanov, K. Zhusip, A.M. Nurzhanova, L. Berdigozhin, B. Nygmetov. - Atyrau: Atyrau University, 2018. Shyg.300 - p., Suret; H. Dosmukhamedov / Comp. S.Zh. Sapanov, T. Zhavnabaev, G. Bazargaliyev, Zh. A.M. Nurzhanova, A.R.-Atyrau: Atyrau University, 2018. Issue. 300.- p.
The purpose of the research institute is to preserve and study the historical and cultural heritage on the territory of the Atyrau Territory, to carry out scientific research on archeology and ethnography of both fundamental and applied nature, the creation, revival, preservation and dissemination of cultural values, as well as the introduction of people to them Kazakhstan. The staff of the center is formed from among the teaching staff of the Autonomous University named after Kh. Dosmukhamedov and young scientists. The department employs 1 candidate of science, 1 doctor of science and 3 master. The employees of the center are engaged in scientific research, study of accumulated data, acquisition of the fund, organization of ethnographic expeditions in the region, development of exhibitions and expositions on various topics, holding educational and cultural events and lessons, organizing meetings with ethnographers, ecologists, geologists, jewelers, masters of arts and crafts and holding scientific and practical conferences. Research staff and activities of the center are reflected in published articles and in the media
Archive documents:
New materials on the case of Khalel and Zhakhanshi Dosmukhamedovs have been found in the State Archive of the Voronezh Region (SAVO).
Published for the first time.
Research Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnology of the Caspian Region named after Kh. B. Tabyldieva in 2021 organized the 1st International Archaeological Expedition in the Atyrau region. Name of the expedition: "Kurgans Karakuduk, Talkuduk" «Total amount of financing: 5 million tenge.
Expedition leader: Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Sapanov S. Zh.;
- For the first time in the Atyrau region, Sarmatian burial mounds were systematically studied;
- Unplundered communities of Sarmatian warriors of the 2nd-6th centuries were found;
- As a result of the expedition, a jug, a Kayrak stone, bronze arrows, iron arrows, horse harness, etc., belonging to the early Iron Age, were discovered.
Kurgan Karakuduk, 2021
Students at the dig Expedition leader A. Zainov during excavations in 2021
Expedition member G. Aidosynova with students
- On November 06-11, 2020, Doctor of History, Professor Sapanov S. Zh., Master of Humanities Abdulov A. D. applied to the regional archive of the city of Uralsk NAO "Atyrau University named after. Kh. Dosmukhamedov" with the report "Social and political life of the Atyrau region in the 20-40s of the twentieth century (confiscation, collectivization, political repression)" was on a business trip in order to implement a scientific project.
- October 1, 2021 Director of the Research Institute Sapanov S. Zh. was awarded the gold medal named after A. Baitursynov for his contribution to the development of the country's higher education system and outstanding work in training new generation specialists.
-October 1, 2021 Researcher of the Research Institute Kasenov M was awarded the badge "Best Researcher".
- September 9-11, 2021, researcher of the Research Institute Abdulov A.D. within the framework of the state grant to non-governmental organizations NJSC "Center for Support of Civic Initiatives" with the support of the Ministry of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Semey "project for the complete rehabilitation of victims of political repressions" Aktandaktary of history " , organized by the East Kazakhstan regional youth public association "Salauat" on the topic "1920 - Participation in the forum of young historians on the topic: "Soviet policy in the 1950s: through the eyes of young historians".
- 2022 researcher of the Research Institute Karimov A was awarded a badge for his contribution to youth policy.
- Director of the Scientific Research Institute, Ph.D. n. Sapanov S. Zh March 7, 2022 is dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Honored Worker of Kazakhstan, founder of the legendary ensemble "Dos-Mukasan", Chairman of the Council of Rectors of KazNITU named after K. I. Satpaev, composer Dosym Kasymovich Suleev took part in a special event.
- The research institute team took part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Youth and Science: Present and Future" on April 4, 2022 in Atyrau.
- New editions of research institutes:
- Dyusenov M. S., Sapanov S. Zh., Abdulov A. D. Abdrakhman Aitiev: forgotten hero of the Urals: Monograph. - Atyrau: NAO Atyrau University. H. Dosmukhamedova, 2022. - 195 p. ISBN 978-601-262-470-0
- Sapanov S. Zh., strategic vector of the Central Asian foreign policy of Turkey Monograph. - Atyrau: NAO "Atyrau University named after Kh. Dosmukhamedov", 2021. - 120 p. ISBN 978-601-262-469-4.
- Scientific and practical conferences organized by research institutes:
1) International online scientific and methodological conference "The legendary heritage of Bauyrzhan Momyshuly", dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the 110th anniversary of the birth of the Hero of the Soviet Union, national hero Bauyrzhan Momyshuly, December 14, 2020;
2) Republican scientific-practical conference for young scientists, students and undergraduates "the great legacy of Alikhan Bokeikhanov", dedicated to the 155th anniversary of the birth of an outstanding statesman and public figure, leader of the national liberation movement, scholar-encyclopedist Alikhan Bokeikhanov, April 12, 2021;
3) Dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the 85th anniversary of Academician Kh. B. Tabyldiev;
4) I-th International Scientific Online Forum "Actual problems of international relations and regional studies", September 30, 2021;
5) Republican scientific and practical conference "Heritage of the Teacher", dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the owner of the Order "Badge of Honor", excellent student of public education of the Kazakh SSR, senior teacher-Asiya Karimovna, December 8, 2021;
6) Online presentation of the collection of documents "The feat of the working columns" (Perm) May 12, 2022;
Opening of the Asia Karimovna Auditorium