
The project aims to Strengthen the role of higher education institutions in ensuring the sustainable development of industry and society through lifelong learning, support national green policies, and promote green culture in partner countries.
Project duration: 36 months
Project budget: 712683. 00 euros
Number of partners in the country
promotion of culture.
1. Kazakh national agrarian University
2. Atyrau state University named after Kh. Dosmukhamedova
3. West Kazakhstan agrarian and technical University named after Zhangir Khan
4. Kostanay state University named after AkhmetBaitursynov
5. Taraz state University named after M. H. Dulati
6. Kazakh agrotechnical University named after S. Seifullin
7. Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
8. the coalition for Green economy and G-Global development"
9. LLP" Agency of applied ecology"
Partners in Europe
1. Vienna University of natural resources and applied Sciences (Austria)
2. European Association of universities of natural Sciences (Belgium)
3. Dublin Institute of Technology (Ireland)
4. Jagiellonian University (Poland)
5. Warsaw agricultural University (Poland)
6. Coimbra Polytechnic Institute (Portugal)
7. Royal Institute of technology (Sweden)
Partners in Russia
1. Saratov state agrarian University named after N. Vavilov (Russia)
2. Moscow state University of food industry (Russia)
3. Omsk University of design and technology (Russia)
4. Moscow state University of geodesy and cartography (Russia)
5. State University of land management (Russia)
6. Tula state University (Russia)
7. Russian state agrarian University named after K. A. Tirimiryazev (MSHA).
8. Siberian Federal University (Russia)
9. Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation (Russian Federation)
10. Agrotech-Seeds company (Russia)