
Dear friends!
Kh. Dosmukhamedov Atyrau University is one of the leading universities in the Western region of the country, rich in its traditions, long-term experience in the field of education and research.
The University was opened on June 14, 1950, as a teachers' Institute. During the first academic year, the Institute opened 3 departments and accepted 150 students with Kazakh and Russian languages of instruction. In 1955, the Teachers' Institute became a pedagogical Institute. In 1994, the pedagogical Institute was established at Atyrau University. In the same year, it was named after a prominent figure, scientist Khalel Dosmukhamedov. The University has passed state certification and received the status of the first regional University in the Western region of Kazakhstan.
In 2005, a quality management system was introduced, aimed at ensuring the competitiveness of the educational institution in education and the requirements in the world education sphere.
In 2007, scientists of the University took part in the competition-exhibition "Altyn Sapa" to determine the winners of the award of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "for achievements in the field of quality" and received a letter of thanks.
On September 18, 2009 (Bologna), the universities signed the Magna Carta, which is a symbol of the University's ability and rich tradition.
In 2010, the University became one of the 600 world universities United in the Magna Carta. The University was a full participant in the Bologna process. In accordance with the requirements of the Bologna process, students have the opportunity to receive double diplomas and complete their studies in the shortest possible time. According to the results of the rating of the best universities in Kazakhstan, the University ranks sixth among multidisciplinary universities.
The University's policy is to provide high-quality education, reach the international level, and ensure the competitiveness of trained specialists.
Prospects of the University-the leading Western educational institution in Kazakhstan, which is actively involved in solving the problems of national innovative development, ensuring the quality of education and training of professional personnel at the level of international standards.
The University trains highly qualified specialists who meet the international standards of the innovative education system, making their contribution to the socio-economic and socio-political development of the region.
The University is a member of the Association of state universities of the Caspian countries, the great Charter of World classical universities (Bologna, 2010), and The Association of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The University has created all conditions for the comprehensive development of students. We are fully confident that we are preparing the future of Kazakhstan and are aware of our great responsibility to society!
Today, Kh. Dosmukhamedov Atyrau University has become a University of education and science that offers you various educational programs.
The University has 6 faculties, 29 departments, and 7 scientific-research centers. The University employs about 500 teachers, including 200 doctors of science and candidates of science, PhD doctors, and more than 30 top University teachers. The University has more than 7 thousand students and master students in a multi-stage system of professional education. We cooperate with 150 major international higher education institutions in the world in conducting practical training and exchange of students and implementing modern international educational programs.
We can say with confidence that we are preparing the future of Kazakhstan, because most of our graduates are the elite of Kazakhstan's society and participate in shaping the country's development course. This is our important result, we are proud of it and look forward to the future with confidence.
Atyrau University always adheres to an open policy and is ready to develop cooperation and collaboration. Dear colleagues and partners, dear young friends! We invite you to our University! Welcome to Kh. Dosmukhamedov Atyrau University!
Sincerely, rector of Kh. Dosmukhamedov Atyrau
University, candidate of pedagogical Sciences,
Professor Idrissov Salamat Nurmukhanovich